Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ahem ..4 hours

Often I got to the end of my work day by piece by piece!  Literally !

I have just ~4 hours left in my work week.  Thank God!  Seriously , I am so sick of people I could puke .  There is nothing glamour filled abi spending 12+ hrs in a car with my husband and son....oh but the pay off is so worth it.

I do believe that a piece of this depression cycle is the pure need for a break.  With a mini vacation.  The re fill your cup kind of vacation.  I need this with my family , too.

It is my hope and prayer the time we have those weekend (sans my daughter she is staying home with my friend who was going to dog sit for us), the time spent in Orlando with dear friends..old and new...mixed with some other stuff (self care and Dr related)...there will be a shift.  A much needed shift.

My B12 is low...again.  I will get a shot this weekend and will be due again on 2 weeks as an added booster.  I don't give myself shots so I will need to remember to have my dh give it to me when I get back from Orlando.  He said take it with and do it myself...uh I know myself I won't.

My Vitamin D is good!!  which made ms feel good this morning when I read that.  My ferriten and TIBC are fair.  Not where it should be.  But not horrific.  So hopefully getting the B12 along with other stuff back on track will help.

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