Tuesday, September 13, 2011

90 Minutes....

For 90 minutes this afternoon...I turned off my phone.
For 90 minutes this afternoon...I tuned out the world.
For 90 minutes this afternoon...I attempted to regroup.
For 90 minutes this afternoon...I attempted to reground my inner soul.
For 90 minutes this afternoon...I attempted to find an inner peace.
For 90 minutes this afternoon...I shut off everything that was spinning and swirling in my head.....

and attempted to find relaxation!!

DEEP relaxation.

When Heather asked what my goal was for todays session..I made it very clear to A: follow your intuition and B: relaxation.

I know and trust that Heather to get me to that point.  And for the 90 minutes that I was there....I did just that. 

If it was financially possible I would see her twice a week for the next few weeks in hopes to curb the increased anxiety that has been/does/is leading to other downward spiraling.

There are many studies that show massage therapy helps in many aspects of ones life.  The benefits are extremely helpful to your health and well-being.

I've been scheduling my massage appts bi-weekly and generally on the same day as a therapy appt.  I feel selfish going bi-weekly.  Yet, I also know that the benefits are significant. 

The lady that I see is awesome and I'm so thankful she was brought into my path.

There are days (today being one of them) where I don't always look forward to going for my massage.  And those are the days that I need it most.  Interesting that the days that I 'look forward' to seeing Heather the most are the days where I'm physically beaten up. My body hurts. 

I need my dh to hear me out. 
I need my dh to not think I'm being selfish.
I need my dh to not just agree and say "whatever makes you happy dear".
I need....to figure out how to make these 90 minutes last a full 2 weeks. 
or win the lottery that I have never played!

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